Let's Know About Our
Burns & Plastic Surgery
In addition to burns treatment, Charutar Hospital is recognized for its expertise in plastic surgery. We offer reconstructive procedures to restore the function and appearance of areas affected by trauma or congenital conditions. From skin grafting to more complex reconstructive surgeries, we aim to give patients a new lease of life by helping them regain their confidence and appearance.
Our hospital manages Burns Patients with Specialised Burns ICU, Surgical Interventions (skin debridement and grafting), Wound management and Dressing Rooms, Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, Post burns Contactures treatement and Rehabilitation.At our center we have facilities for treatment for Thermal Burns(flame and scald), Chemical Burns, Electrical Burns and Complex wound care .\
Burns & Plastic Surgery at
Charutar Hospital
Burns Treatments
Burns Contracture
Plastic Surgery and Flaps
At Charutar Hospital, we provide a comprehensive range of plastic surgery procedures and we specialise in advanced flap peocedures to reconstruct and restore form and function.We offer various flap options : Local Flaps, Rotation Flaps, Distant Flaps, Pedicle Flaps and Free Flaps.
Common Flaps done routinely in our set up are Nasolabial Flap,Latissimus Dorsi Flap, Crossfinger Flap, Gastrocenemius flap, Soleus Flap, Crossleg flap, rotation flaps etc. The Advantages of flaps are that it gives early wound closure ,enhanced tissue coverage and early restoration of function, It gives full tickness coverage on Bone, cartilage and tendon where Skin graft does not work.
Reach Out for Specialized Burns & Plastic Surgery Care
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+91 98254 47000
+91 98257 48866
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Contact Details
- Drsamirrawal_charutar@yahoo.com
- +91 9825447000
- +91 9825748866
- Jain Society, Opp. Shah Petrol Pump, Bhalej Road, Anand - 388001